Sunday 3 July 2016

Tantric Sex for Men

BY Hira Agha IN No comments


      Positions are relatively unimportant. One position is as good as the next if you enjoy it and it works for you. What is most important is to be present in a position and for the position to enhance the correspondence of penis and vagina, so that it encourages and supports the flow of life force. In general, the actual physical fitting together is maintained as much as possible in any given situation. 
Changing Positions through Rotating Moves
Changing position increases awareness and enhances presence. Positions can be changed regularly in order to renew and refresh the environment of the penis and vagina. Positions can be changed when there is a need to move, the pull to sleep, or the urge to stretch.

The sequences of what we call rotating positions are shown in figures 7.1 and 7.2. These are changes of position using circular, dimensional movements, rotating around a focal point—penis       inside the vagina. As the bodies move, they endeavor to maintain the connection between penis and vagina. If the penis slips out, just quickly slip it in again. Man can do it, woman can do it—whatever
is easiest. Nothing is lost if this happens, but a sense of humor helps.

The starting point of the sequences in figures 7.1 and 7.2 is the scissors position used for soft penetration as described in chapter 6. Scissors is a good beginning position—man on his side,

Tantric Sex for Men woman on her back, relaxed and easy for both. Scissors position is equally wonderful for slow penetration with erection and is a comfortable position for a short sleep.

      Fig. 7.1. Sequence of rotating positions through front approach

Tantric Sex for Men

      Fig. 7.2. Sequence of rotating positions through rear approach

 After five, fifteen, or fifty minutes the position can be changed, as often as necessary, as often as desired. Shifts in position can be done slowly, all movements in a deliberate, step-by-step, unhurried,
unfolding and rearranging of bodies.

Tantric Inspiration

And while making love, forget about orgasm. Rather, be in a relaxed state, relax into each other. The Western mind is continuously thinking about when it is coming and how to make it fast and great and this and that. The thinking does not allow the body energies to function. It does not allow the body to have its own way; the mind goes on interfering . . .

Relax . . . If nothing happens there is no need for anything to happen. If nothing happens then that is what is happening . . . and that too is beautiful! Orgasm is not such a thing that it has to happen every day. Sex should be just being together, just dissolving into each other. Then one can keep making love for half an hour, for one hour, just relaxing into each other. Then you will be of utter mindlessness, because there is no need for the mind. Love is the
only thing where the mind is not needed; and that is where the West is wrong: it brings in the mind even there.


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